Nüüd siis köögitoimetuste juurde... Kaua ma siin ikka nutan, et kohupiima siit kaubandusest saada pole?! Teen siis ise! Ma pole uurinud, ilmselt on meie tublidel Eesti blogijatel ka kohupiima kodustegemise kogemusi/õpetusi, aga mind inspireeris just see postitus, tundus mulle kuidagi nii lihtne, et pidin proovima... Ja tõesti, kohupiim nagu kohupiim ikka. Kusjuures väga hea maitsega! Ilmselt oleneb see algmaterjalide kvaliteedist, aga õnneks on siin kaubanduses mõned tootjad, kes ka värsket piima pakuvad. Muidugi mitte nii värsket, et lihtsalt jahutatud lehmapiim, ikka pastöriseeritud, nagu meie tavaline poepiim Eestis, ainult, et siin on kõik sellised piimad natuke rammusamad, 3%.
Vaja läks:
1 L värsket piima
0,25 L maitsestamata jogurtit
Valasin keedupotti piima, millele segasin hulka jogurti. Lasin sel toatemperatuuril ööpäev seista, et piim hapuks läheks. Seda saab aru sellest kui piim on muutunud paksuks ja poti äärest on piim sinaka varjundiga. 24 tunni möödudes, tõstsin piima võimalikult madala kuumusega pliidile ning kuumutasin aegajalt pisut segades, et kuumus kogu segu ulatuses ühtlasem oleks, kuni segu jõudis 65 C kraadini. Kraadiklaasi mul pole, aga hindasin väikese sõrmega kuumust ja silmaga välimust, kui kogu piim oli kokku tõmbunud ning kollane vadak eraldunud, on kohupiim valmis ning kuumus piisav. Võtsin poti tulelt ning lasin sel jahtuda toatemperatuurile, kordagi segamata.
Jahtunud kohupiima valasin sõelale sätitud riidetükile, sidusin riide paunaks kokku ning riputasin kraanikausi kohale tilkuma (4 tunniks). Valmis kohupiima võtsin riidest välja ning panin õhukindla karbiga külmikusse. Seal peaks ta värske püsima 72 tundi. Mina aga tegin temast kohe järgmine päev Maasika-kohupiimavahu.
Kui keegi teab, kuidas rosinakohupiima teha, võiks mulle paari reaga kirjutada. Ma ise siin arvasin, et kui sellele magedale värskelt nõrutatud kohupiimale õige pisut vahukoort lisada (vahustamata), suhkrut ning pestud rosinad, et siis peaks saamagi, kindel aga pole sest pole veel jõudnud seda proovida.
original recipe from Bonnefooi Gastronome.
This cheese is very popular in Estonia and can be bought from each supermarket in wide assortment with different flavors and with raisins or fruits. The cheese is grainy, but quite moist.
Halved recipe:
1 liter full-fat milk (3%)
0,25 liter yoghurt or fresh buttermilk
Mix the milk and yohurt in a saucepan and let it stand at room temperature for about 24 hours till the milk is soured. You will know the milk is ready for the next step when it has thickened and you can see blueish whey on the sides of the pan.
Very gently (the lowest heat available!) warm the milk till it reaches 65 degrees, you can occasionally stir it carefully, to let it heat through. You are done when the curd starts to form clumps and the whey is transparent. Take it off the heat and let it cool to room temperature without disturbing it.
Drain the cheese curds on sieve, lined with a cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel. Gather the ends of the cloth and hang the curd up abouve a sink so the rest of the whey can drain, this will take about 4 hours. If you like a drier chese, you can put it under a light press to squeese out even more of the moisture.
The whey can also be used, as it is full of nutrients and very low in calories - you can drink it or use it instead of water to bake bread.
The fresh cheese is now ready and can be kept in the fridge for 72 hours.
This cheese is very popular in Estonia and can be bought from each supermarket in wide assortment with different flavors and with raisins or fruits. The cheese is grainy, but quite moist.
Use the best milk you can get for this recipe, it is essential for the quality of the cheese.
Halved recipe:
1 liter full-fat milk (3%)
0,25 liter yoghurt or fresh buttermilk
Mix the milk and yohurt in a saucepan and let it stand at room temperature for about 24 hours till the milk is soured. You will know the milk is ready for the next step when it has thickened and you can see blueish whey on the sides of the pan.
Very gently (the lowest heat available!) warm the milk till it reaches 65 degrees, you can occasionally stir it carefully, to let it heat through. You are done when the curd starts to form clumps and the whey is transparent. Take it off the heat and let it cool to room temperature without disturbing it.
Drain the cheese curds on sieve, lined with a cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel. Gather the ends of the cloth and hang the curd up abouve a sink so the rest of the whey can drain, this will take about 4 hours. If you like a drier chese, you can put it under a light press to squeese out even more of the moisture.
The whey can also be used, as it is full of nutrients and very low in calories - you can drink it or use it instead of water to bake bread.
The fresh cheese is now ready and can be kept in the fridge for 72 hours.
Birgit, this is a lovely recipe. I don't make a lot of cheese but you have inspired me to try. I am new to your blog and have spent some time browsing through your earlier entries. I am so glad I did that. I really like the food and recipes you share with your readers. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
ReplyDeleteHi Mary, thank you for all these nice comments about my blog! Enjoy reading and experimenting! :)